Blue Pullman News
Today we announced that we will be constructing a mock up of a Blue Pullman cab. It will be made out of wood and will be mounted on a trailer so that we can get it to as many events as possible. If you have woodworking skills and would like to be involved then please get in touch. Location should be on the western side of Birmingham and will be announced as soon as we have signed an agreement.
As things are moving forward we’ve put a fundraiser up on Facebook. This is a test of the facebook donation app to make sure everything is working correctly and things like the bank account is connected properly. All money raised will help get new lines ready for the shop which will form part of the museum, as well as on here, and provide some spare money to help pay for the work needed. If you can spare a few pennies please pop over to the facebook page and click on the donation link. http://www.facebook.com/brcwco